Tuesday, June 25, 2019

end of Term 2

Here we are at the end of Term 2. I can’t believe it has gone so fast. We fit so much into Term 2 this year.
NAPLAN went well. Thank you for your support to ensure all the children were well-rested and calm. Everyone put in their best effort and I am so proud of them.
The children have really enjoyed our focus on visual literacy this term. We have used our reading strategies to analyse and comprehend some short films. The children have completed some very meaningful activities to help them get a clear picture of the reading strategies we use, to understand and make connections with the text.
They enjoyed having a go at writing some fractured Fairy tales – Fairy tales with a twist! We have also had a dabble with poetry. Some fantastic Cinquain poems are on display at the back of the classroom.
We have been focusing on money for some of this term. The children have been practising giving change up to $5.00. Next time you have some spare change, give your child a quick challenge to tell you the change they will need when you buy something.
We have also focussed on mental maths, particularly our Times Tables. Your child may have told you about the Maths Mastery challenge we have each week. Ask them what times tables they are up to. I am encouraging them to practise each day so that they can move up the next level on our times tables chart. The children have loved playing Numero. I encourage you to play it with your children at home. It’s a great way to improve your child’s mental maths.
Our Science Inquiry was particularly exciting. The children conducted some high quality research using lots of different sources. Their planets were so creative and helped to show their understanding of the planet they chose to research. Their reports are still on display at the back of the classroom so please pop in and have a look.
The Super Scientist competition was great fun. Thank you for your support to ensure your child was prepared for this activity. I noticed that most children are increasing the volume of their voice and continuing to work hard at maintaining eye contact with their audience when they are presenting.
Enjoy a wonderful holiday everyone!