Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Poetry Competition Winner

A very special congratulations to Anas for winning the Year 3 Poetry competition. 
We are so proud of your effort. Well done!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A note from the teacher

It’s been a very busy term.

We’ve recently enjoyed celebrations such as Australia Day and Harmony Day.  We have our ANZAC ceremony to commemorate on the Thursday in the last week of the Term.

Our class has been working very hard to prepare for the NAPLAN testing in May. We have concisely covered the content in Literacy and Numeracy outlined in my initial post for the year. The children have maintained a focused approach to their learning and are enjoying the results.

We will continue to revise areas that could use a little further consolidation over the coming weeks. We are also learning test taking skills, such as timing ourselves throughout an assessment and how to answer multi-choice questions. Further information regarding NAPLAN testing can be found below.

Thank you for your support with talk homework. It has had a great impact on your child’s writing. I have noticed an improvement in depth of information included in stories. We have been practising narratives for the second half of this term. All children have a goal that they are working towards. These goals are individual, set according to an area of weakness in their writing.

Finally, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday break. If your child gets bored encourage them to read and do a Literacy Pro quiz or maybe write a narrative story. Remember there are always books the children can read online in their Literacy Pro Library. They can do a quiz on any of these books.

Take Care
Mrs Harders

Testing will be held in May.
Students are assessed using common national tests in Reading, Writing, Language Conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and Numeracy.

NAPLAN is not a pass or fail type test. Individual student performance is shown on a national achievement scale for each test.

The performance of individual students can be compared to the average performance of all students in Australia.

NAPLAN Planner has been used in Term 4 2018, and Term 1 2019

Students have many opportunities to get used to test language, content and format.
Sample questions and a sample writing tasks can be accessed on the NAP website: and the public demonstration site - NAPLAN